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Showing posts from March, 2018

Starting Out

My collection started with small, random things. I can't actually remember when I started out, but I definitely started when I was a toddler. I recall having a large bag of marbles and a very long chain of rubber bands with different colors. My marble collection ended up on our aquarium and now since we no longer have an aquarium, my marbles disappeared too. I also collected rocks, but for some reason couldn't keep that going. Its probably the lack of space and the infinite variation of rocks. In college I collected rubber balls. I had them locked up in my room until my niece found them and they're history. I also have a small collection of comic books which I try to keep in mint condition. One of the weirder collection I have is a collection of business replies from different magazines. Its totally weird. When I think about it now, I can't help but wonder why I even took the time to collect those. Other collections I have are old National Geographic magazines, kids e

Collector or Hoarder?

Coming from a family that keeps things for the "just in cases", I have learned from a young age to keep random things that interest me and that I think will be of use some day. My grandfather lived in an age where one had to make the tools they need to survive as oppose to our time now where we can buy almost anything online. My mom also got that trait from my grandfather and I probably got that from her, but I think I'm the one who has taken things to a different level. I'm particularly known as a collector in my family. I collect almost anything from rocks to coins, toys, comic books, pieces of paper, bottles, watches, and anything that interests me. In this blog, I'll attempt to share whatever things I have collected in the past and what I'm currently into right now. I have collected stuff that some people think is weird and just unnecessary. I have also collected things that makes people go wow! However, I don't collect anything overly expensive; a